Wormadam is a unique Pokemon that comes in three different color variations. Wormadam colored in the traditional colors of green, pink, and purple is known as the Plant Cloak Wormadam. The Sandy Cloak Wormadam is colored in tan and brown hues while the Trash Cloak Wormadam is various shades of gray. If you are a fan of this amazing creature, then you’re in luck! We’ve found a Wormadam coloring page that you can print out and color to your heart’s content.
This coloring page features all three Wormadam color variations, so you can choose your favorite or mix and match to create your own unique Wormadam. So grab some crayons, markers, or colored pencils and get ready to have some fun!
Here are some fun facts about Wormadam that Trainers may not know!
Wormadam is a dual-type Bug/Steel Pokémon. It evolves from Burmy starting at level 20. Wormadam has three different possible Cloak forms, which it changes into depending on the debris (Leaf, Sandy, or Trash) that is attached to its body when it evolves.
Each form has a different appearance and typing. The Sandy and Trash Formes are exclusive to the counterparts of Wormadam’s gender in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, respectively, while the Leaf Form Wormadam can be found in both games. The cloak cannot be removed from Wormadam unless it is traded. Wormadam is the only Pokémon with a base stat total of 424.
Wormadam’s body is composed of two parts: a small head and brown thorax with six legs, and a wide abdomen that varies significantly between Wormadam’s three forms. The Bug/Grass-type form has a green abdomen with yellow spots and a red hourglass marking; the Bug/Ground-type form has a tan abdomen with a dark brown hourglass marking; and, finally, the Bug/Steel-type form has a silver abdomen with black lining and no hourglass marking.
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