Our Whisper of the Heart fans out there, we have a treat for you! We are excited to share our newest addition to our coloring page collection- Whisper of the Heart Girls Coloring Pages! Each page features an image from the movie, including Shizuku and Seiji’s first meeting, their train ride through Tokyo, and Shizuku’s discovery of her love for writing. So grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils and get ready for a fun afternoon of coloring your favorite Whisper of the Heart Girls Coloring Pages moments. Happy coloring!
Concerns were raised during the 1989 filming of Kiki’s Delivery Service that the character “Jiji,” a black cat, and the name of the movie would lead to a trademark dispute with Kuroneko Takkyubin (Black Cat Express Delivery). The US equivalent of UPS or FedEx is Kuroneko Takkyubin, which has a black cat as its emblem. When Kuroneko Takkyubin agreed to support the movie, a compromise was achieved. Kuroneko Takkyubin’s distinctive green and tan delivery trucks make several “cameos” in the 1995 film “Mimi wo Sumaseba/Whisper of the Heart,” which takes place in 1990s Japan. These appearances include a shot of one in traffic early on when Shizuku arrives at school when she and Yuko are walking home from school, and during the closing credits (where the logo is clearly visible). Many more people might be visible in background pictures.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?