Our Vigoroth coloring page is perfect for kids of all ages who love Pokémon. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the anime or you just enjoy spending time with your favorite creatures, we know you’ll have a blast filling in this Vigoroth coloring page. So what are you waiting for? Grab your crayons and let’s get started!
Here are some fun facts about Vigoroth that Trainers may not know!
Vigoroth is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Vigoroth is a pale brown, simian Pokémon with red eyes. Its face is dominated by its large, reddish nose, and it has large tufts of hair on its head and back.
Vigoroth has white fur with a reddish-brown V on its chest. Vigoroth is very active and is constantly moving. Vigoroth can live for days without food or sleep.
Vigoroth is also known to be very sleepy and will fall asleep standing up. Vigoroth evolves from Slakoth starting at level 18 and evolves into Slaking starting at level 36. Vigoroth is known to be very playful, and will often play with its Trainer.
Vigoroth also has great stamina; it can keep running without rest for days. Vigoroth can be found in forests and grasslands. Vigoroth is also known to live in treetops.
Vigoroth also likes to Rough House with other Pokémon. Vigoroth is a very muscular Pokémon and is very powerful. Vigoroth’s moves are Scratch, Focus Energy, Fury Swipes, Endure, and Facade.
Vigoroth can also learn Substitute, Rest, Double Team, Swagger, and Sleep Talk. Vigoroth is weak to Fighting-type moves. Vigoroth’s Ability is Vital Spirit, which prevents Vigoroth from being afflicted by status conditions.
Vigoroth is also known to have the Quick Feet Ability, which increases Vigoroth’s Speed stat if it becomes afflicted by a status condition.
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