Venom Coloring Pages are a fantastic method to pique children’s interest in Venom. They can be used to teach children about the various colors of Venom and how to combine them. Children may learn about Venom’s various features and qualities by using Venom Coloring Pages, which are a terrific way to pique their interest in Venom. We appreciate you selecting the Coloring Pages! So what you’re waiting for? Happy coloring!
Do you know Venom was originally intended to be a woman?
Venom was initially intended to be a woman by comic book creator David Michelinie. Venom was originally supposed to be a pregnant woman whose husband was killed when a taxi driver ran him over while distracted by Spider-Man. After going into immediate labor, she would later miscarry the child.
Although this story is undoubtedly far more tragic than Eddie Brock’s, the reason for abandoning it was far more embarrassing than the fact that it was simply too tragic for their intended audience. Then, according to Jim Salicrup, editor of Marvel Comics, a woman wouldn’t make a strong opponent for Spider-Man.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other movie coloring pages?