Looking for a Tympole coloring page? Here’s a great one that you can print out and color. Tympole is a small, amphibious Pokémon that resembles a tadpole.
It has a round, white body with black spots and a black head. It has two blue eyes, and its tail is long and thin. Tympole is able to generate vibrations with its large vocal sac, which it uses to communicate with others of its kind.
It also uses these vibrations to locate prey. Tympole is found near freshwater sources, such as ponds and rivers. When it enters battle, Tympole will try to intimidate its opponents by thumping its tail on the ground.
Here’s a Tympole coloring page for all you Pokemon fans out there!
Tympole is a small, amphibious Pokémon that is primarily blue in coloration. Tympole has a tuft of white hair on its head, large eyes, and a big mouth full of sharp teeth. Its belly and the undersides of its arms and legs are light blues.
It has four black stripes on its body: two on its back and one on each side of its head. Tympolehave long, tip-curled tails. Tympoleevolves into Palpitoad starting at level 25, which evolves into Seismitoad starting at level 36.
Tympole is the only Pokémon with a pre-evolution that can learn moves exclusive to its final evolution; these moves are Bug Bite and Uproar. Tympole appears to be based on a tadpole or pollywog with elements of a eusthenopteron, a prehistoric fish sometimes credited as being the first fish with legs.
Tympole may also be based partially on a loudspeaker or microphone, due to the fact that it amplifies sound vibrations through the water to communicate, as well as its love for music.
All Tympole evolve into their final form regardless of their previous form’s gender.
Fun facts:
- Tympole can be used as drums by other Tympole to communicate with each other.
- Tympole is a proficient swimmer and can swim up waterfalls.
- Tympole secretes a slime from their pores that helps to protect them from predators and parasites.