Looking for Teen Titans Coloring Page? You’ve come to the right place! We have a great selection of Teen Titans Coloring Page for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, or Beast Boy, we’ve got you covered. All of our Teen Titans Coloring Page is free to print and use, so feel free to download as many as you like. And be sure to check back often, as we’ll be adding new coloring pages all the time! Happy Coloring!
Did You Know Robin Was Once the Sidekick of the Joker?
In the animated series Batman Beyond, the Joker kidnapped Robin as played by Tim Drake. He became the sidekick of the Joker, Joker Jr. However, it has never been made clear to us which version of Robin is portrayed in Teen Titans, thus we can’t imagine the Teen Titans version of Joker ever succumbing and being loyal to the Joker.
The Robin we saw in Teen Titans prior to the show’s cancellation and replacement with Teen Titans Go! could very well be the Robin played by Tim Drake.
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