Teddiursa is a small, bear-like Pokémon that is mostly brown. Teddiursa has a short snout with a black nose, large eyes, and chubby cheeks. Teddiursa also has three small toes on each foot and five low-set fingers on each hand. Teddiursa has a crescent moon shape on its forehead. Teddiursa coloring page is available here.
Simply click on the image to open the PDF file, then print it out and start coloring! Teddiursa would look great in any color scheme, so let your imagination run wild! If you’re looking for more Pokémon coloring pages, be sure to check out our complete collection. We hope you have fun coloring Teddiursa coloring page!
Teddiursa is a small, brown bear Pokémon with a short snout and a red V-shaped mark on its forehead. Teddiursa is most likely based on ursine animals such as bears and cubs. Teddiursa also has a cream-colored crescent moon marking on its chest.
Teddiursa is often found in wooded areas searching for honey. It will try to intimidate its opponents by baring its fangs, but it will immediately turn its tail and run at the first sign of danger. Teddiursa typically grows to about three feet tall and weighs around 60 pounds. Teddiursa evolves into Ursaring starting at level 30.
Some fun facts about Teddiursa are:
- Teddiursa’s design appears to be based on both cubs and adult bears.
- Teddiursa may also be based on the legend of the Three Wise Monkeys, in which the monkeys cover their eyes, ears, and mouth to avoid seeing, hearing, or speaking evil. This is reflected in Teddiursa’s large hands, which it uses to cover its eyes, ears, and mouth.
- Teddiursa is one of the fourteen Pokémon for which foreign Pokédex entries can be collected in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
- Teddiursa is one of the best friends of the Pichu Brothers. It appeared in Trouble in Big Town, Of Meowth and Pokémon, Big Meowth, Little Dreams, and Pichu Bros. in Party Panic. It also made a cameo appearance in Giratina and the Sky Warrior.