This Taillow coloring page is a great activity for kids who love pokemon. Taillow is a small, blue and white bird pokemon. It has a black tail with a yellow band near the tip. Taillow is very friendly and loves to eat berries. It evolved into Swellow.
To find a Taillow coloring page, simply search “Taillow coloring page” in your favorite search engine. There are many websites that offer free Taillow coloring pages. Just print one out and enjoy!
Here are some fun facts about Taillow that Trainers may not know!
Taillow is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Taillow is a small, blue Pokémon with a white underside. It has black eyes, a small black beak, and long, pointed wings.
Taillow has two tail feathers, both of which are longer on the male Taillow than on the female Taillow. Taillow is very trusting and will ferociously peck at anything that invades its territory. This behavior led to it being nicknamed “the brave warrior of the sky”.
Taillow usually nests in warm areas. Taillow is friendly to those that take care of it and will follow them around energetically. Taillow will also try to warn its trainer if danger is nearby vigorously flapping its wings.
Taillow evolves into Swellow starting at level 22. Taillow can be found flying in fields and forests looking for insects as its main food source. Due to this, it has been known to chase after Bug Catchers trying to capture Pokémon such as Caterpie and Wurmple.
Taillow’s cry sounds like a child crying or laughing. Taillow is based on a young swallow. Taillow is the only Pokémon that can learn the move False Swipe by leveling up.
Taillow appears in the anime before their official debut in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. In Generation III, Taillow and Swellow had the highest base attack stat of all non-legendary Flying-type Pokémon. Taillow has a Galarian regional form.
It is blue instead of purple and has no tail streamers. This form may represent a bluebird instead of a swallow.
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