T-Rex Coloring Pages are a great way to get creative with your kids and make some magical memories! With T-Rex coloring pages, you can bring to life the massive T-Rex in full color, drawing out its ferocious beauty. So whether they’re totally into dinosaurs or just like getting their hands messy with art supplies, T-Rex coloring pages are sure to give your kids hours of amusement! Go ahead and spark some fun T-Rex coloring projects today – you never know what might come out of it.
Here are some facts about T-rex!
T-Rex has long been one of the most fascinating creatures of all time. Did you know T-Rex was actually quite a bit shorter than we’ve seen them depicted in movies and television? T-Rex was typically around 12 to 13 feet tall when fully grown, which is still impressive for a dinosaur. T-Rex was also much lighter than we’d envisioned — only 8 tons or so! And T-Rex’s arms were longer than they had originally been thought: they could reach up to 3 feet in length! T-Rex certainly proved itself to be absolutely terrifying, but the more you learn about it the more mesmerizing T-Rex becomes.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Dinosaur coloring pages?