Swellow Coloring Page is a great activity for Swellow fans of all ages. Swellow is a flying type Pokémon, known for its speed and aerial prowess. Swellow has a slender body with long wings and a small tail.
Swellow is mostly blue with white on its underbelly and small yellow stripes on its wings. Swellow is a very popular Pokémon and Swellow fans will love this Swellow Coloring Page! Swellow fans will have a blast coloring in this! Thanks for choosing Swellow Coloring Page!
Here are some fun facts about Swellow that Trainers may not know!
Swellow is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Swellow has a white body with two red streaks on its underbelly. Swellow has long pointed wings with red tips.
Swellow also has a long, pointed tail that is also tipped red. Swellow is bipedal and has black eyes, prominent red eyebrow ridges, and a small red beak. Swellow is famous for its outstanding flying speed and maneuverability in midair.
Swellow appears to be based on a swallow or bluebird. Swellow is also similar to Swablu, as both are bipedal birds with long tails that have the same coloring schemes. Swellow can have the ability Guts or the ability Scrappy.
Guts allow Swellow to have its Attack increased by 50% when it has a status condition. Scrappy allows Swellow to hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Swellow evolves from Taillow starting at level 22.
Swellow can Mega Evolve into Mega Swellow using the Swallowtail Plate. Swellow is also known to mate for life. Swallow pairs will stay together for their entire lives and will often raise their young together.
Swellow appears to be based on a swallow with elements of fighter jets incorporated into its design, such as its beak resembling an air intake and its triangular tailfins.
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