Looking for a Sneasel coloring page? Look no further! Sneasel is one of the most popular Pokémon, and there are plenty of coloring pages to choose from. Just print it out and start coloring! Sneasel is a great Pokémon to color, with its sleek black and white fur.
Use your imagination and have fun! So whether you’re looking for a Sneasel in winter or summer, you’ll be sure to find the perfect coloring page.
Here are some fun facts about Sneasel that Trainers may not know!
Sneasel is a dual-type dark/Ice Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It evolves into Weavile starting at level 38, after being befriended. Sneasel is a small, fox-like Pokémon with both characteristics of cats and weasels.
The majority of the Sneasel’s body is covered in black fur, except for its face, belly, and feet, which are white. It has long, sharp claws on both its hands and feet. Sneasel has almond-shaped eyes that are red with yellow sclerae. On top of Sneasel’s head is a furry tuft of black fur.
Sneasel is known to be very cunning and stealthy. It is an agile climber that can scale vertical walls with ease. Sneasel preys upon eggs by slashing them with its long claws or stealing them outright.
It also feeds on berries and small insects. Due to Sneasel’s sharp claws, it is adept at cutting through thin ice to access the water below. Sneasel resides in cold forests with dark shadowy areas.
Sneasel is also the only Pokémon that can learn the move False Swipe by leveling up. Sneasel is weak to Fighting-, Bug-, Fairy-, and Ice-type moves. Sneasel is in the Field Egg Group, and its Egg takes approximately 5,120 Steps to hatch.
Sneasel was first seen in the episode “Hatch Me If You Can”, under the ownership of Harrison. It battled Ash’s Pikachu and lost.
If you need more Pokemon coloring pages, take a look and find any of your favorites.