Skorupi, the latest pokemon in the Skorupi line, is a Skrelp evolution. It has a neat Skorupi coloring page that you can download and color to show your friends. Skorupi Skrelp is a little water-type pokemon that looks like a mix between a crab and a scorpion.
It has black and purple stripes running down its back, and two large pincers. Skorupi Skrelp is also a Poison Type Pokemon. Enjoy your Skorupi coloring page now!
Here are some fun facts about Skorupi that Trainers may not know!
Skorupi is a Poison/Bug-type Pokémon. It evolves into Drapion at level 40. Skorupi has two long, curved pincers. The front pair is shorter than the back pair.
Skorupi’s back is covered in a hard carapace. This armor protects Skorupi from foes and also helps it to blend in with its surroundings. Skorupi hides in the shadows, waiting for its prey to venture close before attacking.
Skorupi is also known to paralyze its prey with its venomous tail before dragging it off to its nest. Skorupi can be found in deserts and grasslands. Skorupi is also known as the “stinger Pokémon”.
Skorupi evolved from Drapion. Skorupi’s name comes from the words “scorpion” and “sting”. Skorpius is Latin for scorpion.
Skorupi dwells in dark, damp places where it waits for unsuspecting prey to wander by. When Skorupi Strikes, it punctures the prey with its poison barbs and drags it off to feed on at its leisure. Skorupi is also known to be very helpful to trainers who are beginning their Pokémon journey.
It has been known to give them helpful tips and even teach them how to battle. Skorupi is a very friendly Pokémon that just wants to help out however it can!
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