Sailor Moon Cartoons Coloring Pages is a website that provides free printable coloring pages for kids. The site has a wide variety of categories to choose from, including animals, cartoons, Smurfs, and more. Each category has a variety of different coloring pages to choose from. Sailor moon also offers a unique feature called “Coloring Page Maker” which allows users to create their own custom coloring pages. This feature is great for parents who want to create personalized gifts for their children. Sailor Moon Cartoons Coloring Pages are a great resource for parents and kids alike.
Did you know that Sailor Moon was being attempted to be Americanized?
Early in the 1990s, children’s television had yet another creative high. Producers decided to make an American version of Sailor Moon after realizing how popular it was. However, it wouldn’t have the same format as the original.
The American version of the anime used real-life actresses rather than just dubbing it. The Scouts would then become animated when asked to defend the planet. Needless to say, this localization strategy modeled after the Power Rangers didn’t really take off, and the only existing instance of this idea is a demo film that has spread online.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Cartoon coloring pages?