Rainbow Bible Coloring Pages are a fun way to engage in spiritual practice and learn about the Bible. Rainbow is an organization that connects faith groups, faiths, and families with a collection of toddler-friendly coloring activities. They have created their own unique coloring pages which provide delightful ways for kids to explore the big stories found in the Bible. All of the coloring pages are available free of charge, giving families a wonderful opportunity to enrich their children’s spiritual lives while creating lovely memories together! Download and print out Rainbow Bible Coloring Pages!
Rainbows in the Bible are full of fun facts!
Rainbows are mentioned four times throughout the Bible — in Noah’s story from Genesis 9:12-17, in Ezekiel 1:28, and twice more in Revelation 4:3 and 10:1. Rainbows were first shown as a sign of God’s promise that he would not punish mankind with a flood again. Later on, rainbows began to show us God’s faithfulness and promises of love. Rainbow colors of varied hues appear frequently in nature, reminding us of God’s creativity and care for us!
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other cool and awesome Bible coloring pages?