Fans of Kuroko No Basket, rejoice! You can bring your favorite Kuroko No Basket characters to life with our ultimate coloring book. All of your favorite players, including Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagami Taiga, Kise Ryota, and Aomine Daiki, can be found on the Printable Kuroko No Basket Coloring Page. These coloring pages are ideal for sharing with other Kuroko No Basket fans at your next meetup or for a stress-relieving day of coloring therapy. So grab some colored pencils, and let the Printable Kuroko No Basket Coloring Page come to life with your imagination!
Kuroko No Basket Fun Facts!
- Kagami goes by the moniker Baka-gami, which means “Kagamidiot” in English. Fans of Aomine gave him the moniker Aho-mine, which is Japanese for “dumb,” for those of you who aren’t weeaboos. This nickname refers to Aomine’s idiocy.
- It was demonstrated in Kuroko no Basket: Game of Miracles that Kagami is well-liked by college girls, who frequently describe him as cute.
- Kise despises and finds earthworms repulsive.
- After being stung by a bee, Aomine despises bees. Similar to Momoi, who dislikes frogs but only developed a fear of them after Aomine made her cry by placing a frog on her head.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?