Coloring pages are a great way for kids to express their creativity. And what could be more fun than coloring in your favorite LOL Doll? There are lots of different Printable Coloring Pages Lol Dolls available online, so you’re sure to find one that your little one will love. And the best part is, they’re all free! So why not print out a few and let your child’s imagination run wild?
Coloring pages are all the rage these days. And what’s not to love? They’re a great way to keep the kids entertained (and quiet!) for at least a little while. But did you know that there is some Printable Coloring Pages Lol Dolls out there? That’s right – you can now get your hands on coloring pages featuring everyone’s favorite surprise dolls. And if you’re looking for something a little extra, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.
Did you know Isaac Larian, a toy guru, capitalized on the unpacking craze that is sweeping YouTube by launching the L.O.L. Little Outrageous Little Surprise Dolls Assortment, the newest trend in the collectible doll industry. Children get to be their own unboxers with seven layers of surprises they can peel back one layer at a time, which is a big part of the fascination. Stickers, charms, shoes, clothing accessories, and a collectible doll are among the enjoyable surprises that each layer unveils. The collection now has 45 dolls, and more will be released this fall and in 2018.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other lol coloring pages?