President’s Day is a day to celebrate the country, and what better way to celebrate than with President’s Day Coloring Pages Activity? This President’s Day, commemorate all of our presidents by breaking out the crayons and markers and showing your creative side. With vibrant colors, stimulating designs, and intricate details, these President’s Day coloring pages are sure to be an entertaining way to further appreciate our leaders and national history. Treat yourself this President’s Day with one of President’s Day Coloring Pages Activity pages for peaceful yet patriotic fun.
Fun Facts about President’s Day
Presidents’ Day has its roots in the 1880s when Washington’s birthday became the first official holiday to be observed. Washington was the leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and the nation’s first president. The Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, passed by Congress in 1968, shifted a number of federal holidays to Mondays.
Some who feel that these holidays should only be observed on the dates they truly commemorate have objected to the alteration, which was made in order to give workers several long weekends throughout the year. Presidents’ Day was suggested during the bill’s discussion in order to honor both Washington’s (February 22) and Lincoln’s (February 12) birthdays. Although Lincoln’s birthday was observed in several states, it was never a recognized federal holiday. Congress rejected the name change after a lengthy debate. Presidents’ Day, however, came to be widely recognized after the law took effect in 1971, in part because shops used that name to advertise sales and the holiday’s proximity to
President’s Day is one of America’s great holidays! It falls on the third Monday in February and is a day reserved to celebrate the many presidents who have been part of our country since George Washington was elected in 1789. President’s Day is once again an opportunity to look back at some of the most important figures in American history. From President Washington being elected unanimously, to President Lincoln being a fan of pancakes, President’s Day provides us with an enjoyable break from everyday life.
Presidents’ Day, observed on Monday, is noteworthy for honoring the birthdays of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln together. President Richard Nixon combined the birthdays of two of our most illustrious presidents into a single public holiday in 1971, creating Presidents’ Day.
James Madison, who stood 5 feet, 4 inches tall, and weighed roughly 100 pounds, was the youngest and lightest president. The first American president to appoint an African American to his cabinet was Lyndon B. Johnson. The American Revolution resulted in James Monroe receiving a wound.
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