Nidoran is a popular Pokémon, and many fans enjoy coloring her. If you’re looking for a Nidoran Coloring Pages Free, there are plenty of options available online. We also have one here for you! Once you find a Nidoran Coloring Pages Free that you like, simply print it out and get started.
Coloring can be a fun and relaxing activity, so take your time and enjoy yourself. Soon you’ll have a beautiful Nidoran♀ picture that you can be proud of.
Here are some fun facts about Nidoran♀ that Trainers may not know!
Nidoran♀ is a small, rodent-like Pokémon. It is pink with large venomous horns. Nidoran♀ is shy, but it will fight if provoked. Nidoran♀ is usually found in tall grass. Nidoran♀ has large ears and long whiskers. Nidoran♀ evolves into Nidorina.
Nidoran♀’s horn can be ground into a powder that stops pain. Nidoran♀ is usually found in Kanto and Johto. Nidoran♀ is 1’04” and 19.8 lbs. Nidoran♀ is a Poison type Pokémon. Nidoran♀ has the same base stats as Nidoran♂.
Nidoran♀ evolves into Nidorina at level 16, which then evolves into Nidoqueen at level 32. Nidoran♀ can also breed to produce Nidoran♂ pokemon. She has the ability Poison Point which allows a 30% chance of the foe being poisoned if hit by a direct attack.
The poisons secreted by the spines and horn are extremely potent, and even a scratch from its horn or a drop of poison from its barbs can be deadly. However, this docile Pokémon only uses its poison when it feels threatened.
Nidoran♀is more sensitive to smell than Nidoran♂. These small Pokémon are extremely timid and docile.Nidoran♀ are easily spooked, and it is not at all difficult to accidentally be scratched by a fleeing individual.
If you need more Pokemon coloring pages, take a look and find any of your favorites.