Manectric coloring page is a great way to get your kids interested in Pokémon. Manectric is an Electric-type Pokémon, meaning it has electricity-based attacks. Manectric is also one of the few Pokémon that can learn the move Thunder Wave, making it a valuable asset in battle.
Manectric coloring pages can be found online, and they’re sure to be a hit with any young Pokémon fan. What are you waiting for? Download and print Manectric coloring page. Have fun coloring. Enjoy!
Here are some fun facts about Manectric that Trainers may not know!
Manectric is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. Manectric is a yellow, canine Pokémon with orange and yellow stripes along its back and black around its muzzle. Manectric has large, pale blue eyes and Red pupils, similar to its Generation V evolution.
Manectric also has puffy tails that crackle with electricity. Manectric is the evolution of Electrike, which evolves into Manectric starting at level 39. Manectric can have the ability Lightning Rod or the ability Static.
Lightning Rod allows Manectric to draw in all Electric-type moves and raise its Special Attack stat by one stage; Static may paralyze an opponent that contacts Manectric with a move that makes contact. Manectric is fairly uncommon in the wild but can be found in tall grass near power plants or other places where there is a lot of static electricity in the air.
Manectric is often used as an anti-Mage or support Pokémon due to its ability to absorb Electric-type attacks and direct them away from vulnerable allies. Manectric can also be used as a scout thanks to its high speed, allowing it to outrun many foes and get the first strike in battle.
If you need more Pokemon coloring pages, take a look and find any of your favorites.