If you are looking for a Manaphy coloring page, then you have come to the right place. Here at coloringpage.com, we have a wide variety of Manaphy coloring pages available for you to print out and color. We have Manaphy from all different regions, including Sinnoh, Hoenn, and Johto.
The Manaphy Coloring Page is a great way for kids to learn more about this rare and adorable Pokemon!
Here are some fun facts about Manaphy that Trainers may not know!
Manaphy is a small, blue, humanoid Pokemon with a white belly. It has large eyes with white sclerae and no pupils. Manaphy has wide, webbed hands and feet, which are slightly paler than the rest of its body.
There is a small, red gem on Manaphy’s chest. Manaphy is born with a special ability called Hydration. This allows Manaphy to heal itself or another Pokémon from any status ailment as long as it is raining.
Manaphy is also the only known Pokémon that can learn the move Heart Swap. Manaphy is an incredibly rare Pokémon, and as such, very little is known about its natural habitat or behavior. However, it is believed that Manaphy eggs are born deep in the ocean and are carried to shallow waters by currents.
Manaphy is one of the few Pokémon that can breed with any other Pokémon, regardless of type compatibility. Manaphy eggs will hatch into either Phione or Manaphy, depending on which Pokémon the egg was originally bred with. Manaphy appears to be based on a seafarer’s logbook (its body shape) and an infant (its head shape and big eyes).
Manaphy was first seen in the movie Phantom Champion Zoroark under the ownership of Lucario. Manaphy made its main series debut in Following A Maiden’s Voyage!. A Manaphy Egg appeared in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea under May’s care.
Additionally, two Manaphy appeared in Where Are You Going, Eevee? as residents of North Point. Manaphy is one of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity’s mascot Legendaries, along with Meloetta.
It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, but it has the unusual ability to breed, despite being a Mythical Pokémon.
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