Luke 16 22 Bible Coloring Pages are a great way to learn about Jesus and keep the faith alive for children. Coloring allows children to express their creativity while reading, connecting with Jesus and His Word. These Luke 16 22 Bible Coloring Pages will take kids through Jesus’ parable from Luke 16:22 – The Unjust Steward in an interactive and engaging manner that deepens their understanding of Jesus’ teachings and continues to spark conversations around Jesus in your home or classroom. Each unique coloring page brings out the joy, love, grace, mercy, compassion, and power of our Lord Jesus. Jesus is an important figure in the Bible and one of His sayings that we are encouraged to learn and practice. So come take a look and bring God’s stories alive with Jesus Luke’s amazing selection of Bible Coloring Pages. So get some crayons ready; Jesus is waiting!
Jesus is an important figure in the Bible, and there are so many fun facts to learn about him!
One interesting Jesus fact from Luke 16:22 is Jesus saying, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be given his glory”. This quote is part of Jesus’ parable about a rich man and Lazarus. Jesus was attempting to illustrate that our lives are finite, but God’s goodness and justice bring us to hope beyond death. It is truly remarkable that Jesus could take a parable and turn it into such an incredible teachable moment!
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Bible coloring pages?