Kiki’s Delivery Service fans, rejoice! We have a special treat for you. Kiki’s Delivery Service Flying Coloring Pages are now available to download and color. Relive the magic of Kiki’s journey as she navigates her new life as a witch in training and delivery girl in the bustling port city of Koriko. From Kiki flying on Jiji and delivering packages with Tombo to Kiki celebrating with Ursula and finding her purpose, these Kiki’s Delivery Service Flying Coloring Pages capture all the heartwarming moments of Kiki’s Delivery Service. So grab some crayons or colored pencils, print out these coloring pages, and let your creativity soar like Kiki on her broomstick. Happy coloring! Have fun and enjoy coloring!
A witch named Kiki goes to live alone for a year in the film, as all witches her age are required to do. Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli’s most well-known director, produced the fifth animation film there. It is based on the same-titled book.
She hears about the upcoming full moon while listening to the radio and immediately hurries to notify her mother that she is leaving for training. She then departs with a cat named Jiji and encounters a snobbish fellow witch while flying on her broomstick. She then discovers the village of Koriko, where she meets a pregnant woman who, along with her husband, manages a bakery and launches a delivery business. She then gains Kokiri as a close friend. Kiki suddenly loses her magical ability, making it impossible for her to communicate with her cat Jiji and fly with a broomstick. Kokiri is one day involved in an airship accident.
Did you know Director Hayao Miyazaki makes a cameo?
At the conclusion of the film, a man wearing spectacles appears on the screen. The actor playing this man is Miyazaki. When Kiki departs for the airship to assist Tombo, he is in an episode where too many people are watching television.
This was a delight because Miyazaki hardly ever included his character in his movies.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?