Are you a fan of Kiki’s Delivery Service Coloring Pages? Then these coloring pages are perfect for you! Follow Kiki and her black cat, Jiji, as they travel to the town of Koriko and set up Kiki’s delivery service. Color in Kiki flying her broomstick, delivering packages, and exploring the town with Tombo, a boy who dreams of flying. These Coloring Pages offer tons of fun for fans of the movie or anyone who just loves to color. So grab your crayons and let your creativity soar with Kiki’s Delivery Service Coloring Pages.
A witch named Kiki goes to live alone for a year in the film, as all witches her age are required to do. Hayao Miyazaki, Studio Ghibli’s most well-known director, produced the fifth animation film there. It is based on the same-titled book.
Here are some fun facts about this animated film!
- Hayao Miyazaki didn’t want to limit the film’s end credits to merely the characters’ names in order to bring the audience. In order for the audience to leave the theater happy, he built it up to be like a short sequel.
- Kiki nearly gets hit by a bus that says “Studio Ghibli” when she first enters the city. The animation company that Hayao Miyazaki founded goes by this name. Two more buses had “Ghibli” painted on the sides of them, once when the police is questioning her.
- “The Ship Flying Over The Rainbow,” the title of Ursula’s picture, was created by students at a school for children with disabilities.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?