Kadabra is one of the original 151 Pokémon, and it’s a pretty popular one too – Kadabra is known for its psychic powers, which it uses to perform various feats like moving objects and bending spoons. Kadabra also has the power to levitate, and it’s said that Kadabra emits a faint psychic aura that can make headaches start-up in people who are nearby. If you’re a fan of Kadabra, then why not show your love for this fascinating Pokémon by printing out and coloring our free Kadabra coloring page?
In addition to Kadabra, the page also features a Poké Ball, making it perfect for any Pokémon trainer. So what are you waiting for? Get your colored pencils or crayons and get started on this Kadabra coloring page today!
Here are some fun facts about Kadabra that Trainers may not know!
Kadabra is a psychic-type Pokémon that first appeared in generation one. Kadabra evolves from Abra starting at level 16 and evolves into Alakazam when traded. Kadabra is thin and yellow with a long thin snout. It has two long thin eyebrows and large red eyes.
Kadabra has long thin arms and legs. Kadabra’s belly is white with a dark brown triangular mark on its forehead. Kadabra carries a silver spoon in its right hand which it uses to concentrate its psychic powers. Kadabra is very intelligent and can use its spoon to teleport itself anywhere it wants to go.
Kadabra’s favorite food is apparently eggs benedict. Kadabra can also be seen as a competitive Pokémon as it often competes against other Pokémon such as Machamp, Metagross, and Gardevoir. Kadabra is also known for its infamous cry which sounds like “JavaScript”.
Kadabra is a powerful Pokémon and is definitely one to look out for! Thanks for reading and enjoy your Kadabara coloring page!
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