Jonah Bible Coloring Pages are an ideal way to engage children and make Bible study fun. Not only are these coloring pages entertaining, but they can also help your child learn more about Jonah’s story. Filled with colors, shapes, and images, Jonah Bible Coloring Pages provide a creative outlet that allows children to stay engaged while learning God’s Word. Help bring Jonah alive by downloading and printing these coloring pages today! Enjoy!
Jonah1 Bible has many amazing stories and a lot of unbelievable fun facts.
Did you know Jonah was swallowed by a great fish for three days? Also, Jonah was the first true Prophet recorded in the Bible who preached repentance to non-Israelites. Jonah1 Bible tells us Jonah’s mission from God, his reluctance to begin it, his journey to Tarshish on a ship, and his eventual deep marriage with the sea creature that was sent by God. Furthermore, Jonah is best known for praying inside the whale and being returned safely to land. Jonah1 Bible is filled with exciting facts and tales that show us how miraculous our world can be.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Bible coloring pages?