Jesus Walking on Water Pages Coloring can be a fun and relaxing activity for people of all ages. Coloring Jesus Walking on Water page can help you to center yourself and focus your thoughts on Jesus and his amazing power over nature. As you color, take time to reflect on the scripture verse that goes along with this image: “And Jesus walked on the water toward him” (Matthew 14:29). What does this verse mean to you? What does it teach us about Jesus? How can we apply this verse to our own lives? Allow the peaceful act of coloring Jesus Walking on Water pages to fill your heart with hope, faith, and love.
Jesus Walking on Water is a story that appears in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John. In the story, Jesus is walking on the Sea of Galilee when he notices his disciples struggling to make headway against a strong wind. Jesus comes to their rescue by walking on the water towards them. When the disciples see Jesus approaching, they are terrified and think he is a ghost. Jesus reassures them that it is indeed him and tells them not to be afraid. He then gets into the boat with them and calms the wind. The story is a reminder that Jesus has power over all of creation, including nature itself. It also serves as an encouragement to believers that no matter what difficulties they face, Jesus is always with them and will help them through whatever storms they may encounter in life.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see otherĀ water coloring pages?