Infernape Coloring Page is a great way to have some fun with your child while getting them excited about coloring. This features Infernape, a Fire and Fighting-type Pokémon. Infernape is known for being incredibly fast and agile, making it a difficult opponent to hit.
This page will help your child use their imagination to bring Infernape to life in whatever color they choose. In addition to being a lot of fun, coloring pages like this one can also help to develop your child’s fine motor skills and problem-solving abilities.
So why not print out this Infernape Coloring Page and see what your child can do?
Here are some fun facts about Infernape that Trainers may not know!
Infernape, the Flame Pokémon. It looks like a monkey and has a fiery mane and tail. When Infernape comes out to play, it sets the stage on fire!
Infernape is a Fire/Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Infernape is a small, simian Pokémon with primarily brown fur. The lower half of its face, inner ears, belly, hands, and feet are tan with black paw pads.
It has large yellow eyes and pointed black ears with red insides. There is a triangular patch of orange fur on its chest, and two thin stripes of the same color run from its shoulders to its hips. Three sets of red finger-like fur extend from the back of each wrist.
Its long tail is equally divided between brown and cream-colored fur; tipped with red and reminiscent of flames. Infernape can excel in any fighting style due to its combination of moves and abilities. Additionally, Infernape’s fiery mane contains embers that will ignite when blown on by the gusty wind.
These embers fall off in battle, granting Infernape an extra fire move as long as it has at least 1 HP remaining which makes this Pokémon extremely versatile and dangerous in battle. Infernape evolves from Monferno at level 36. Infernape can have one of two Abilities: Blaze or Iron Fist.
Blaze allows Infernape to boost its Fire-type moves when at low health, while Iron Fist allows Infernape to power up its punches. Infernape is the only Pokémon that can learn the move Close Combat.
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