Indian on Horse Coloring Pages can be a great challenge for advanced colorers. These pages are usually very detailed, with many different colors and shades to choose from. But don’t let that intimidate you! These pages can also be very rewarding, as they can help you to relax and focus your attention. And who knows, you might even discover a new favorite color along the way. So don’t be afraid to give Indian on Horse Coloring Pages a try. You might just surprise yourself at how much you enjoy it.
Horses first appeared in North America 40 million years ago, but after crossing the Bering land bridge to Asia, they vanished from our continent at least 10,000 years ago. Native Americans have been moving about and hunting on foot for millennia, using dogs as small pack animals.
The life of Native Americans in North America would be forever changed by the introduction of the horse, especially for the buffalo-hunting Plains Indians for whom the swift and devoted horse was a match made in heaven. Christopher Columbus brought two dozen Andalousian horses on his second voyage to the New World in 1493, but he had no idea how the horses would change Native American culture. (Some academics contend that Native American tribes used horses before Columbus’ arrival and that they never actually went extinct in North America.)
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other horse coloring pages?