Heracross is a large beetle-like Pokémon with a blue body and red eyes. It has two yellow horns on its head and a yellow spot on its back. Heracross is very strong and can lift objects that weigh twice their own weight. It has a very hard exoskeleton, which protects it from predators and attacks. Heracross Coloring Page can be found here.
This coloring page is of a Heracross in its natural habitat. Heracross live in the woods, where they eat tree sap. Heracross is very shy, and they are not often seen by humans. If you see a Heracross, be sure to color it in! Have fun coloring! Enjoy!
Here are some fun facts about Heracross that Trainers may not know!
Heracross is a Bug/Fighting-type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2. It is known as the Single Horn Pokémon. Heracross has a single, large horn on its head, which is shorter in the female than in the male.
Heracross also has two pairs of red, lanceolate antennae. Heracross’s body is mostly blue and it has striped yellow abdomens. Heracross has two small yellow feet with black claws and a yellow band near the end of each black tail.
Heracross can be found in grassy areas. Heracross is very proud of its horn, using it to bore through tree trunks and lift them up effortlessly. It also uses it to jab opponents and determines if they are worthy adversaries.
Heracross feeds on honey gathered by bees. When agitated, Heracross releases a disgusting fluid from the tip of its horn that can induce fainting in foes if inhaled. If you want to Heracross coloring page, we have many images for you to choose from. Have fun!
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