Hannah Bible Coloring Pages are a great way to introduce children to the stories of Hannah and Samuel from the Holy Bible. Perfect for Sunday school classes, these coloring pages will help bring these beautiful stories about faith and trusting in God to live as children color pictures that depict Hannah praying for a child, her offering of little Samuel at the temple, and more. Hannah Bible Coloring Pages make teaching fun and engaging through activities that allow kids to further explore Hannah’s journey. You can print Hannah Bible Coloring Pages right in your own home or office, making them an accessible resource for parents, teachers, or church groups everywhere!
The Hannah Bible is full of interesting fun facts that you may not have known about!
It is the classic Bible story of Hannah, a barren woman who turns to God in prayer and He answers her with a miracle. Hannah was the beloved wife of Elkanah, a judge in the ancient cities of Gath and Mizpah. She was chosen by God to be a mother to a special son, Samuel, dedicated to serving the Lord. Hannah named him Samuel which means “God has heard” as an homage to this great gift from God. Hannah’s story is one of faith and trust in God despite many adversities. Her tale continues to inspire countless women throughout time and around the world today!
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Bible coloring pages?