Gintama Color Pages are a great way for fans of popular anime to show their love for the show. The Gintama Color Pages can be found online and are available in a variety of designs. Whether you want to color Gintoki, Katsura, or any of the other characters, there is a page out there for you. In addition, coloring pages can also be used as wallpaper for your computer or phone. So if you’re looking for a way to show your love for Gintama, why not try coloring some of the pages? Who knows, you might even find a new favorite character!
Did you know that Gintama was in love with Ketsuno Ana?
The adorable weather girl from Gintama first baffled everyone. Fans were unaware of Ketsuno Crystel’s real name until episode 195. Gintoki was also captivated by the well-liked news reporter and weather girl from Odeo.
Crystel was Gintoki’s main love interest, and he even dreamt about being married to her. Gintoki was renowned for simply having a passing interest in women, thus this caught everyone off guard. The figure occasionally appeared to admirers to be staring at women, but he never entered a committed relationship.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?