Dinosaur coloring pages can be a fun and educational activity for kids. With Dinosaur Dino18 Animals Coloring Pages, children can learn about different types of dinosaurs and create their own colorful versions. These coloring pages also allow children to use their imagination and exercise their fine motor skills as they color in the outlines of the dinosaurs. And, with Dinosaur Dino18 Animals Coloring Pages, there are 18 unique dinosaur designs to choose from, providing options for both novice and experienced colorers. So grab some crayons or colored pencils and let the dinosaur coloring adventure begin!
Here are some rawrsome facts about dinosaurs!
Out of all pterosaurs known to science, the Quetzalcoatlus northropi has the widest wingspan. Can you picture gazing up at a dinosaur-like object the size of a small airliner flying overhead? With a mind-boggling 23-43 foot (7-13 m) wingspan, the Quetzalcoatlus northropi, named after the Mesoamerican god, flourished in the late Cretaceous.
The primary commercial airline in Australia inspired the naming of the qantassaurus. The six-foot (2 m) long herbivore was initially uncovered in 1996 during a dig in Victoria, Australia, but went unnamed for three years. The Australian airline QANTAS, which at the time funded the transport of numerous dinosaur fossils across Australia, finally gave it the name qantassaurus in 1999.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see otherĀ dinosaur coloring pages?