Dinosaur lovers gather round! Whether you’re a fan of the massive T. rex or prefer the smaller Velociraptor, these Dinosaur 61kg Animals Coloring Pages are perfect for adding some dino-mite color to your day. These pages feature illustrations of different dinosaurs along with their weight in kilograms, making it both fun and educational. So grab your crayons, markers, or colored pencils and let your inner paleontologist shine with these Dinosaur 61kg Animals Coloring Pages. Happy coloring!
Here are some rawrsome fun facts about dinosaurs!
- In the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs were alive. The Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods make up the Mesozoic era, which roughly spans the period from 245 to 66 million years ago.
- Dinosaurs began to change in the Triassic period, multiplied and became more diverse in the Jurassic period, continued to change during the Cretaceous period, and then—well, they pretty much simply died off.
- They descended from domestic cat-sized reptiles. Dinosauromorphs were small, swift reptiles that multiplied and dispersed swiftly between 244 and 242 million years ago. They were too little to ever come close to being at the top of the food chain, yet they were quick enough to outrun predators for long enough for dinosaurs to develop from them!
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other dinosaur coloring pages?