Digimon Cartoons Free Color Page is one of the best online resources for Digimon fans of all ages. The website offers a wide variety of Digimon coloring pages, featuring all of the popular characters from the Digimon anime. Whether you’re looking for Pages Sora Digimon or Tai Digimon coloring pages, Digimon Cartoons Free Color Page has you covered. In addition to a huge selection of Digimon Cartoons Free Color Page, the website also offers a forum where fans can discuss their favorite show. With so much to offer, Color Page is an essential resource for any Digimon fan.
Did you know that other Digimon were given much cooler names with much cooler inspirations than Veemon, which was called for the Digimon prototype V-Pets? Consider these myth-based Digimon as an illustration. The Chinese name for the Japanese constellation Byakko the White Tiger inspired Baihumon, a Digimon that resembles a tiger. According to legend, Byakko represents the West and is the emblem of autumn. The horse-like Indramon, who takes his name from the Hindu storm god Indra, is depicted above. Indra is depicted here riding an elephant, although he is also closely related to horses, which accounts for Indramon’s appearance. Indramon was one of the Deva, a class of Digimon that served as heavenly watchmen and messengers, fitting for a Digimon named after a storm god.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Cartoon coloring pages?