Digimon is a popular Japanese anime television series that first aired in 1999. The show follows the adventures of a group of young kids who are transported to a digital world where they meet and befriend Digimon, creatures that live there. Digimon is the latest season of the show, and it’s sure to be a hit with kids of all ages. If your child is a fan of Digimon, then they’ll love these Digimon Cartoons Coloring Pages. This coloring book features 22 different Digimon characters, each one waiting to be brought to life by your child’s imagination. So grab some crayons and let your child’s creativity run wild with these Digimon Cartoons Coloring Pages.
Fun facts:
- The original virtual pets were called “Digital Monsters”, with “Digimon” being short for “Digital Monster”.
- The original concept for Digimon was for the creatures to be data-dwelling parasites that infect host computers via modem.
- The idea for Digimon came about when Bandai employees were asked to come up with ideas for a new Tamagotchi toy line
- The name Digimon is a portmanteau of the words “digital” and “monster”
- In 2000, four years after its initial launch in Japan, Digimon had become so popular that Time named it one of that year’s BEST inventions.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Cartoon coloring pages?