Butterfly Coloring Pages Free Printable is a great way for kids to explore the beauty of nature! They feature some of the most colorful butterflies, both real and imaginary. Kids can be creative and use their favorite colors or just leave them vibrantly natural. It’s an entertaining activity that offers hours of enjoyment while they put their own spin on beautiful creatures that have been around since even before humans. Butterflies have captivated our imaginations throughout history and now they can get closer than ever with Butterfly Coloring Pages Free Printable!
Butterflies are one of nature’s most beautiful creations! Many people don’t know that these colorful creatures have some pretty interesting facts.
Butterflies have an average life cycle of between one and three months, but those in tropical areas can last up to a full year! Butterflies also taste with their feet, can fly thousands of miles at once, and can hear by perceiving vibrations in the air. For example, monarch butterflies migrate over 3,000 miles each winter! Amazingly, they use the stars and the sun as navigation tools when moving during this migration period. Butterflies are certainly fascinating creatures which makes everyone appreciate them even more!
First of all, butterflies have four wings instead of only two (made up of two hindwings and two forewings). Two layers of the chitin protein, sandwiched between two layers of capillaries, make up these wings. Modified hairs or “scales” that reflect light in various colors, including our own melanin, which is seen in brown butterflies, cover the chitin. Some of these vibrant scales will eventually fall off, revealing the translucent membrane.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other animal coloring pages?