Blank Coloring Pages Jesus Walks on Water can help children learn more about the Bible story of Jesus walking on water. In this story, Jesus shows his power over nature by walking on top of the water. This is a great story for children to learn about because it shows that Jesus has power over everything. Blank Coloring Pages Jesus Walks on Water can help children understand this story better.
When children see the pictures of Jesus walking on the water, they will be able to understand that this is a special story about Jesus’ power. Blank Coloring Page Jesus Walks on Water can also help children learn more about the Bible in general. By coloring these pages, children will be exposed to different aspects of the Bible that they may not have been exposed to before. This can help them learn more about the Bible and its stories. Blank Coloring Page Jesus Walks on Water is a great resource for parents and teachers who want to help children learn more about the Bible.
Jesus Walks on Water is one of the most famous miracles performed by Jesus in the Bible. The story appears in all three of the synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. In the story, Jesus and his disciples are crossing the Sea of Galilee when a strong storm arises. Jesus calmingly tells the disciples not to be afraid and then walks out to them on the water. When Peter asks Jesus to let him come out to him, Jesus obliges and Peter walks on the water as well.
But when Peter becomes afraid and looks at the wind and the waves, he begins to sink. Jesus rescues Peter and they both return safely to the boat. The story concludes with Jesus rebuking Peter for his lack of faith but commending him for his boldness. The story of Jesus Walks on Water is a powerful reminder of Jesus’ divinity and his control over nature. It also teaches us that we must have faith in Jesus if we want to follow him.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see otherĀ water coloring pages?