Assassination Classroom Coloring Book

Assassination Classroom Coloring Book
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Assassination Classroom 6 Coloring Pages

Are you a fan of Assassination Classroom? Do you like to relax and de-stress by coloring? Then this Assassination Classroom Coloring Book is perfect for you! With pages featuring Koro Sensei, Nagisa, and Karasuma, as well as the rest of Class E, these coloring pages feature all your favorite characters from Assassination Classroom. Whether you want to spend some time alone or have a fun day with friends and family, this Assassination Classroom Coloring Book will provide hours of coloring entertainment. So grab some crayons and print out these coloring pages today! Don’t forget to share your finished creations with us on social media using the hashtag #AssassinationClassroomColoring. Happy coloring!

Did you know…

Korosensei resembles a yellow bipedal octopus in appearance. He is 280 cm tall and constructed of anti-matter. Korosensei claims that because of how narrow his nostrils are, it appears as though he has four eyes.

Korosensei has outstanding sensory abilities and can pick up on even the slightest variations in sound, temperature, light, and scent. Korosensei has been the target of numerous assassination attempts despite having no ears nor a visible nose, but he is still able to hear sounds that humans are unable to hear and smell even the slightest odors.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?

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