Are you a fan of the Studio Ghibli film Arrietty? If so, why not add some color to your life with these Arrietty coloring pages free? These pages feature various scenes and characters from Arrietty, including Arrietty herself, her friend Sho, and their trusty companion, Spiller. Whether you use crayons, colored pencils, or markers, adding your own touch of color to these Arrietty coloring pages for free sure to bring joy to any Arrietty fan. So grab your art supplies and get ready for some coloring fun with the Arrietty coloring pages free!
Did you know…
Everyone can enjoy The Secret World of Arrietty’s fantastic animation. The straightforward message of this movie is “Don’t go borrowing without considering the repercussions,” and it can educate young viewers on moral principles like respecting one another, protecting the environment, and giving your all in all you do.
The fact that director Hiromasa Yonebayashi (2010’s Mary and Max, The Borrowers) decided against using a photorealistic style of animation during production and instead concentrated on creating a wholly new world that only exists in our imagination may have something to do with the fact that we can watch this movie even though we are no longer children.
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Anime coloring pages?