Animals that hibernate in winter have a very different lifestyle than those that don’t. For one thing, they sleep a lot! During the winter months, they may spend up to 20 hours a day snoozing. And when they’re not sleeping, they’re usually just relaxing in their homes, which are typically caves or dens. They don’t venture out much because food is scarce during the winter. Instead, they live off of the fat reserves that they’ve built up during the fall. When spring arrives and food becomes more abundant, they wake up from their long slumber and begin to mate and raise their young. Many people find it fascinating to learn about the lives of animals that hibernate in winter. And what better way to learn about them than by coloring in some beautiful Animals that Hibernate in Winter Coloring Pages!
Animals that Hibernate in Winter fun facts:
Animals that hibernate in winter are a special kind! Animals like groundhogs, bats, and even some kinds of fish spend the cold weather months snoozing. While animals are sleeping, their bodies slow way down. Their heart rates can drop from 100 beats per minute to just a few beats per minute. And they don’t need to eat because their body is using up stored fat for energy. How do animals know when it’s time to start getting ready for winter? Scientists think that animals use environmental cues like shorter days and colder temperatures to know when it’s time to start packing on the extra body fat they’ll need to get through the winter. So the next time you see an animal taking a long nap, he might just be getting ready for winter!
So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other winter coloring pages?