Akame ga Kill is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takahiro. The story follows Akame, a girl who was sold to the Empire by her parents in order to save their lives. Akame is then trained as an assassin and becomes part of a group of assassins called Night Raid. Akame ga Kill is the final volume of the series. This Akame ga Kill Coloring Pages Akame is a great way for fans of the series to show their love for the characters. The Akame coloring page can be found online and in many bookstores. There are also Akame ga Kill Coloring Pages Akame available for purchase as digital downloads. Akame ga Kill coloring page is sure to be a hit with fans of the series!
Here are some fun facts about this anime:
- Music for the anime is composed by Hiroaki Tsutsumi and Noriyuki Asakura while Takao Sakuya serves as the art director.
- Akame ga Kill won multiple Newtype Anime Awards in 2014 including the Best Shōnen Manga Award and Best Female Character Award for Akame.
- At Crunchyroll’s 2nd Annual Anime Awards, Akame ga Kill won Best Drama and Best Villain for Esdeath.
- It was also nominated for Best Couple (Saving Akame), Best Girl (Akame), Breakthrough Voice Actor Award (Alexis Tipton as Mine), Fan Favorite Male Character (Tatsumi), and Motoe Igori as Mez
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